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    Attenzione farmacisti! Per fornire il miglior servizio, stiamo attualmente lavorando su un massimo di 10 progetti/clienti contemporaneamente. Non perdere l'opportunità di essere uno di loro!

    Ti servono spazi per ampliare la gamma dei tuoi servizi e hai i seguenti problemi?

    Se sei un FARMACISTA e vuoi aggiungere servizi per i tuoi clienti come visite specialistiche, analisi, attività di prevenzione e vaccinazione, in due mesi, in uno spazio aggiuntivo completamente nuovo, ma stai affrontando alcuni dei seguenti problemi, sei qui per risolverli tutti in una volta.

    Spazio insufficiente

    ❝ Sono frustrato dal fatto che non ho spazio sufficiente all'interno della mia farmacia per attivare i nuovi servizi che i miei clienti richiedono.❞

    Costi imprevedibili

    Temo che mi vengano proposte delle soluzioni che nascondono sorprese economiche.

    Tempi lunghi di realizzazione

    Vorrei che l'ampliamento fosse pronto in poche settimane, non mesi, per non perdere opportunità di guadagno.

    Fornitori introvabili

    È complicato trovare imprese edili capaci di creare ambienti che rispettino gli standard sanitari richiesti.

    Chiusura e disagi

    Non posso permettermi che la farmacia chiuda per consentire i lavori, nemmeno parzialmente, o che i lavori generino confusione o polvere che disturberebbero i miei clienti.

  • Vuoi espandere la tua farmacia in meno di due mesi per offrire nuovi servizi come visite specialistiche, ambulatori, analisi, attività di prevenzione e vaccinazioni? Ecco cosa devi sapere.

    Se vuoi un'espansione modulare le principali n cose su cui ti devi concentrare sono:

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    Nessuna sorpresa di costi

    Voglio un modello di prezzo trasparente che includa tutti i costi potenziali in anticipo, garantendo l'assenza di spese impreviste durante la fase di costruzione, compreso il costo della manodopera.

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    Installazione rapida e pulita

    Voglio una soluzione che possa essere installata in poche settimane, senza disturbare l'operatività della farmacia e senza generare polvere, rumore o confusione.

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    Conformità agli standard sanitari

    Ho bisogno di spazi progettati e costruiti per soddisfare gli standard igienico-sanitari richiesti dal settore medico e farmaceutico.

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    Voglio spazi modulari personalizzabili per adattarsi al brand della mia farmacia e dei miei gusti.

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    Sostenibilità e innovazione

    Mi interessa una soluzione moderna che utilizzi materiali ecologici e tecnologie innovative, contribuendo a un futuro più sostenibile.

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    Durabilità garantita

    Voglio una struttura progettata per durare il tempo a me necessario, costruita con materiali di qualità e garantiti per resistere a usura e condizioni ambientali, riducendo al minimo i costi di manutenzione.

  • Here are the exact steps we use to achieve

    a Modular Project Supply Chain Integration

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    1. Definizione del Progetto

    This initial phase involves defining the project's scope and objectives to ensure that clients have a clear understanding of the project's goals and requirements.

    • A strategic plan, evolving collection of documents for client's modular construction understanding, feasibility and development.
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    2. Produzione

    Green Prefab provides design assessment for your own not-for-modular plan to streamlining the design phase to make it more cost-effective and efficient, setting the stage for successful project execution. We can modularize your existing project or we can start the concept design from scratch with our AI tool service to provide a native modular design.


    • Evaluation of non-modular designs for modular feasibility.
    • 3D modeling (AI tools for new design if required).
    • Selection of construction materials.
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    3. Consegna

    Green Prefab offers quantity take off platforms to enable preliminary cost estimates and insights into the project's performance at an early stage. This service helps in making informed decisions regarding the project's financial viability.


    • Bill of materials and cost estimates for financial viability, including design project quantity takeoff, cost estimation, and project timeline planning.
    • Assistance with local energy incentive programs and financial modeling for sustainability alignment.
    • Comprehensive timeline estimates for efficient project planning and delivery.
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    4. Unità in funzione

    Leveraging Green Prefab's expertise and support, the clients connects the project with a suitable supply chain to obtain alternative purchase orders.


    • List of top-tier manufacturers for quality materials fitting to client’s project.
    • Diverse purchasing options connecting clients with manufacturers for executive proposal and construction.


    In a 30-minute call we can deliver you a introductory Modular Development Plan which is the first step needed to achieve The Modular Manufacturing Integration. During the call we'll honestly confirm if your project fits or not fit for modular construction.

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    Sample of the one-page you get.

    We are offering you (free) a one-page document with our experienced feedbacks about your building development:

    • the best fitting prefabrication method;
    • the finest structural material;
    • the most proficent type of selling contract;
    • compliant manufacturers ready to deliver your project.
  • Book Your Free Strategy Call Now

    to Have Your Strategic Definition

    Your path to Modular success is just a click away!

    🌟 30 minute free call 🌟

    🌟 30 minute free call 🌟

    Google Meet
    Whether you have interest or just want to know more about our services, please schedule your personal call. Important Note >>> We are looking for companies who already budgeted for this activity in 2024 and we need to speak with the decision maker in the company.
    Select date and time
    Event time zone:Europe/Rome GMT+01:00
    Book Now  
  • See what clients achieved with our service


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    Richard Green, Director Easi Space, The United Kingdom

    ❝ Green Prefab is the right partner to help building developers make the leap from old, outdated construction systems to new modern modular construction methods. ❞

    Enrico Frizzera, CEO Manni Group, Italy

    ❝ Green Prefab's efforts contributed significantly in the concept definition of our integrated light gauge steel construction system. ❞

    Ewelina Wozniak-Szpakiewicz, CEO DMD Modular, Poland

    ❝ Green Prefab is the right partner to help building developers make the leap from old, outdated construction systems to new modern modular construction methods. ❞

    Roger Krulak, CEO Full Stack Modular, The United States

    ❝ Green Prefab is the right partner to help building developers make the leap from old, outdated construction systems to new modern modular construction methods. ❞

  • Additional clients success stories

    Healthcare organizations came to Green Prefab During COVID pandemic requiring immediate solutions, so we studied a way to:


    ❝ We have ascertained the great work done by Green Prefab in exploring advanced digital libraries of hospital modular solutions also using artificial intelligence.

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    John Buongiorno, Vice President Mod. Div. Axis Construction, The United States

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  • Schools in Italy are receiving recovery funds from European Union for structural renovation of educational buildings. During the renovation work they usually need to displace students in temporary modular classrooms. Green Prefab worked with R.I. Group to:


    Green Prefab is the perfect partner to help us with clients on educational buildings in Italy. We feel safe and confident on effective results together.

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    Emmanuele Tafuro, Marketing Manager R.I.Group, Italy

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